Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Badges Unearthed


It has come to our attention that you desire to be rewarded for your efforts. If you truly want to go above and beyond in the call of training, you may venture down any one of these Badge paths, or all of them. You can complete them quickly or overlapping. All we ask is that you report progress as you make it so we can keep you in mind for the honor roll.

Succeeding in these badge paths will add badges to your character page, which you may display proudly for others. The completion of these paths also offers an extra boost of experience points, and the badges themselves offer a boost to your skills. If you have any further questions, please direct them to myself, Headmaster Quo.

Make sure when mastering a badge to not only submit, but to check the bottom of the page, where you can see the repetitions needed to reach a level, and eventually master, a badge.

And we will be watching closely, so don't be surprised if extra badges pop up for extraordinary efforts in the training overall.


Headmaster Quo